
Knee Feels Like It Needs to Pop

Knee Feels Like It Needs to Pop – What Could Be Causing This Issue?


If your knee feels like it needs to pop time and again, then you might be suffering from certain joint, bone, muscle and tendon conditions of varying severity. With this, you should make it a point to consult a medical specialist with knowledge and expertise in relevant fields, such as chiropractic treatment solutions and the like.


This problem is often called knee clicking. The first step to identifying the best treatment for your particular situation is to find its main causes.


There’s a wide variety of knee clicking causes. Each of the top reasons behind frequent episodes where your knee feels like it needs to pop can cause a different set of more serious problems. To avoid irreversible or irreparable damages to your knee, joints, tendons, muscles and bones, you should immediately pinpoint the exact causes of this issue. By doing this, you can then determine the best treatment solutions and remedies to help stop and prevent this problem.


Found below are some of the most common knee clicking causes. If you suspect that any of these might be causing your discomfort, then you’re recommended to mention this to your doctor right away.


Top Reasons Why Your Knee Feels Like It Needs to Pop Every Now and Then

  1. Patellar Dislocation – Often referred to as patellar dislocation, a dislocated knee cap can usually cause instances where your knee feels like it needs to pop, especially when you’re moving around and doing strenuous physical activities. Your knee cap can get dislocated because of minor injuries and the like.


This is often left ignored and untreated because you won’t usually experience inflammation, throbbing and pain immediately after bumping your knee or right after the event of other minor mishaps. This is why patellar dislocation is among the most common knee clicking causes.


  1. IT Band Syndrome – Injuries to the iliotibial band, which is a group of muscles that ensures your hip and knee are connected, can cause IT band syndrome. Once damaged, this can result to swelling, throbbing and pain.


In some cases, your knee feels like it needs to pop time and again, long after this group of muscles has been damaged. Since even minor injuries from heavy lifting and other strenuous physical activities can damage the iliotibial band, this is one of the most common knee clicking causes today.


Osteoarthritis among other conditions can result to frequent instances where your knee feels like it needs to pop every now and then. To learn more possible knee clicking causes, you should consult your doctor. Once you’ve identified the root of your discomfort, your doctor can then devise a solution that can effectively treat your condition as safe as possible.